
How Can Online Coaching Help Me Achieve My Goals?

Whether you have specific goals or need guidance to identify areas for potential growth, virtual coaching is a powerful tool. Evolving Lives virtual coaching sessions begin by helping you identify your goals and develop a plan to achieve them.

Your coach provides support and guidance on how to make progress and holds you accountable to keep you focused and motivated. You might be facing invisible barriers holding you back and preventing you from reaching your full potential.

By building a strong foundation of healthy habits and mental clarity with your coach’s help, you can accomplish anything!

How Do I Find the Best Coach Online That Fits My Needs?

Virtual coaching is a customized service, and no two coaches or sessions are exactly alike. To get the most from virtual coaching, you should choose a coach that is most suited to you, with whom you can build a connection.

Start with a simple conversation as a casual interview to understand the dynamic with your coach. Interview multiple coaches if necessary, and do not settle for a coach whose style doesn’t work for you.

Life coaching has no state licensing restrictions, so our coaches are able to work with clients all over the country.

How Much Does Online Coaching Cost, and Is It Affordable?

Virtual coaching is a premium service designed to prevent mistakes, overcome obstacles, and save clients time and money by optimizing their output. What you invest upfront pays dividends in driving personal and professional growth and keeping you from making the same mistakes.

At Evolving Lives, our pricing is:

  • Personal & Life Coaching: $200-$250 per session based on your specific needs and goals. 
  • Executive & Professional Coaching: $295 per session based on the scope of your professional and business development goals. 

Professional coaching sessions can be a business expense if virtual coaching is a tool to improve your business.

Personal & Life Coaching

Personal coaching from Evolving Lives is our general life coaching service. This covers a broad scope of personal development, including improving relationships, sharpening communication and interaction skills, mindset training, and more.

Life coaching is for you if you want to make meaningful changes in your life. Our dedicated coaches stand out from other Michigan online coaching services because we provide compelling, results-driven sessions by building a relationship with you and understanding how you operate.

Building on a strong foundation between coach and client allows for the greatest impact.

Executive & Professional Coaching

Executive and professional virtual coaching from Evolving Lives is a customized service for professionals looking for business and career development coaching. Professional coaching sessions are more intense and more specialized to concentrate on defining what success means for you and how to achieve it.

If you’re a professional or executive aiming to boost productivity and efficiency, our techniques can help you achieve a flow state and feel energized while working. Coaching can also help you implement more effective leadership and managerial skills.

Our experienced coaches support, guide, and hold you accountable for taking action and achieving your specific goals.

Group Coaching - Growing Together Weekly Group, Mondays 5:30 - 7 PM

Join us for our group coaching sessions every Monday evening!

Group virtual coaching sessions consist of two parts. First, an educational presentation from our motivating life coach covers a variety of topics regarding personal and professional development. Second, you’ll have an opportunity to connect with other individuals on a personal growth journey.

In group sessions, you can learn from each other as well as from the coach. In discussing your experiences, challenges, and breakthroughs, you can gain valuable insight.

All group and private coaching sessions are not medical services or mental health treatment.

Evolving Lives | Online Coaching & Professional Development Services

At Evolving Lives, we offer personal and professional coaching to take you from surviving to thriving!

Our experienced and skilled coaches, Matt and Sarah, work to build relationships with clients to understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. From there, you and your coach work together to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Our Michigan online coaching company proudly helps clients all over the world. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and see how Evolving Life virtual coaching can help you!